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Managing container & Kubernetes cluster with IBM Cloud

Recent few year's technologies are moving faster than the things that had happened last 20 years.  Among those, I am writing this page regarding how to start to create environment on your working laptop and interact with Kubernetes cluster in IBM cloud.  Basically, the steps are followed by the course " Container & Kubernetes Essentials with IBM Cloud ". I know this is basic stuffs.  But during the hands on, I had few things that took my time to figure out some of trial and errors. Therefore I hope this page could be useful as a supplement document that saves your time in the same occurrences. Firstly, I think it's better to share the example to create Kubenetes cluster environment in IBM Cloud and the steps to setup your laptop environment based on the access information to the created cluster.  The overall steps would be similar to other clouds such as AWS and Google cloud.  (Note : This is the 1st version of document and will be updated if

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